
Humans are extremely common and varied humanoids.

Basic Statistics

Average Size: 2
Average Weight: 5-6
Death Rating: 12
Speeds: Stride 4m, Swim 1m, Clamber 1m
Natural Attacks: Fist (Mass 0; Blunt)
Descriptors: Human, Humanoid
Some humans have interbred with orcs and elves. Such half-humans gain the appropriate descriptor. Most half-elves have the twilight or wildwood lineage, and most half-orcs have the gutsy or nomadic lineage.


  • Gutsy: Your people have a reputation for keeping level heads when things get bad. You gain a +2 bonus to resist an effect that would manipulate your emotions.
  • Hillock: You find rest and relaxation especially healing, particularly when you indulge. Your wounds heal twice as fast as long as you eat the minimum needed rations every day.
  • Nomadic: Your family has travelled the lands for generations. You are fluent and passable in two additional languages, each.
  • Twilight: Your people have performed many acts in the concealing cover of dusk. You gain dimvision; you face no penalties from Insufficient lighting, and the penalty for Minimal lighting decreases to -3, but the penalty for Abundant lighting increases to -2.
  • Wildwood: Your ancestors originated in a jungle or forest, and you find it easy to avoid the worst undergrowth. You treat any inhibiting terrain from trees, foliage, and undergrowth as 2 less (minimum 0).