
The languages a character can communicate in are sorted by their levels of proficiency, from unfamiliar to poor, to passable, to fluent. You begin being fluent in a number of languages equal to your Culture + 1, and passable in a number of languages equal to your Culture. You are poor in a number of languages equal to the higher of your Intellect and Personality. All other languages are unfamiliar. You can learn more languages in play using the Learn a Language project.

  • Fluent (12xp): You can speak (or read, write, sign, etc...) the language with a proficiency along the lines of native speakers.
  • Passable (6xp): You can communicate reasonably well, but you struggle with more complex, nuanced, abstract, or unfamiliar topics. You take a -1 penalty to social actions in this language.
  • Poor (6xp): You can get across the most basic and straightforward ideas, and hold very simple conversations without issue. You take a -2 penalty to social actions in this language.
  • Unfamiliar: You know very little, if anything, about this language. You may be able to attempt tests to decipher some meaning from it (usually using Culture), and you can attempt to communicate very simple concepts at a -4 to -6 penalty, depending on the situation.